About Us

My name is Ebony. I am the creator and owner of BeautifullyToldLifestyle. In 2012 I was on a journey to better health and wellness after the tragic death of my brother. Coupled with not only healing from loss but also being diagnosed with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes I had hit rock bottom. Completely over having to take several medications, being depressed and emotionally drained I started my journey as a pursuit to lose weight in order to get off all of the medication and gain control of my life. Starting at nearly 320 pounds within the first year I was able to drop 100 pounds and discontinue all medications. I was able to lose a total of 130 pounds through bettering my nutrition and adding physical activity to my daily routine. That was almost 9 years ago. Throughout the years I have been through a lot but have learned even more. I have been able to maintain my weightloss and healthy lifestyle through all of it. The award winning question has always been HOW? This is why I created BeautifullyTold Lifestyle. I realized that for years the answer (diet and exercise) I was giving to that question was only part of the answer. Of course nutrition and exercise are a very important part to creating a healthier lifestyle but they aren't the only part. I quickly learned that all parts of my journey are important and I can't only be "in it to win it" when things are good. Every part of my journey is a piece of me and has created the person that I am today. Embracing and celebrating all parts of my journey has allowed me to be successful in maintaining this lifestyle and weightloss. More importantly it has allowed me to reach for the stars, be the best version of myself, and thrive to live a fulfilling life.

BeautifullyTold Lifestyle was created to help women do the same. I want to help women create spaces and habits to celebrate all of their journey. BeautifullyTold Lifestyle was created to be a frequent reminder that every step in our journey is important. Every single piece will create your BeautifullyTold Life. It's your journey and no matter how ugly some of it may get, it's still beautiful & deserves to be celebrated.